The rise of digital payment methods has sparked the idea of a society that operates without physical money. A cashless society would entail no more cash transactions, and everything would be done electronically. Although it may seem like something from a distant galaxy, this notion is quickly coming to life in many countries. Supporters of a cashless society argue that it could decrease crime, enhance transparency, and improve financial dealings' efficiency. Additionally, it would eliminate the cost and dangers related to handling and transporting cash. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards cashless payments as people strive to reduce physical contact. However, there are concerns about the impact a cashless society could have on vulnerable communities that might not have access to digital payment systems or might not be comfortable using them. People are also concerned about privacy and the possibility of increased surveillance in a cashless society. It's worth mentioning that even in countries that are transitioning to cashless payment systems, physical money is unlikely to vanish entirely. It may be utilized as a backup or alternative payment method for emergencies or for those who prefer to use it. To sum up, while a fully cashless society may not be imminent, it's clear that digital payment technologies will keep changing the way we do financial transactions. It's essential to ensure that everyone has equal access and opportunities to take part in the shift towards a cashless society while addressing any potential drawbacks for vulnerable communities.