Online shopping has grown in popularity in recent years due to the ease and convenience it provides. However, discovering that the desired items are out of stock is one of the most vexing experiences for online shoppers. This frustration has resulted in a surge of customer fury regarding out-of-stock items, leading merchants to struggle to address the problem. The primary difficulty with out-of-stock items during online shopping is that customers may not be aware of the issue until they attempt to buy the item. Unlike physical stores where shoppers can see if an item is out of stock, virtual stores do not always provide clear information. As a result, customers may spend time searching for items that are unavailable, causing disappointment and annoyance. Out-of-stock items can also disrupt the customer's shopping experience. For instance, if a client is searching for a specific product and discovers that it is out of stock, they may need to start their search again. This can be particularly frustrating if the customer was looking for a present or needed the item for a specific purpose. In addition to the negative impact on customer experience, out-of-stock items can erode customers' trust in a retailer. Repeatedly discovering that items are out of stock can make customers question the reliability of the retailer and ultimately lose confidence in the company. Merchants can minimize the frustration experienced by customers when items are out of stock by providing up-to-date and clear information on product availability. A stock status indicator, for example, can indicate whether an item is in stock, low stock, or out of stock. This can assist customers in making informed purchasing decisions and avoid the annoyance of discovering that an item is out of stock after adding it to their cart. Merchants can also offer customers alternative options when an item is out of stock, such as suggesting similar products or offering to notify customers when the item is back in stock. This demonstrates the merchant's commitment to meeting customers' needs and can help customers find appropriate alternatives. In conclusion, out-of-stock items can cause a great deal of frustration for online shoppers. By providing clear information on product availability and offering alternative options, merchants can minimize frustration and build customer confidence.